A Guide on the Road to Franchising

How Do You Pick the best Franchise Coach?

Each year, thousands of people consider becoming their own boss. They consider the pros and the cons, the risks and the rewards. Often, franchising becomes part of that consideration, as do the services offered by franchise brokers, consultants, and coaches. How do you pick the best franchise coach? If you are asking yourself that question, you are in the right place.

Why Get Help?

When people first learn about the services that franchise coaches, brokers, and franchisee consultants offer, they are often skeptical. After all, how is someone you have never met, who doesn’t know the story that led you to considering becoming a franchisee,  going to be able to help guide you to a business? The answer is quite simple; we understand the franchisee space.

Specialists in a Specialized Industry

To understand more about what we do, think about your first home purchase. You likely used a myriad of specialists. You probably engaged realtor who knew the local “lay of the land”, the right questions to ask to eliminate the problem investment quickly, and could connect you with the other professionals your home purchase required. You also likely worked with an inspector, an escrow company, a bank or loan broker, and several others. All of these professionals have their role; franchising is no different. As franchisee coaches, we have the “lay of the land”. We know the right questions to ask, when, to narrow your field of search. You will likely also engage other professionals along the way; an attorney to review documents, a lender to help capitalize the business, perhaps a commercial real estate agent to help find the perfect location, all here to play our role in helping be your “assistant decision makers” as you decide the franchise path you want to pursue.

Choosing Your Professionals Wisely

Just like a home, investing in a franchise is a big decision, and not one to be taken lightly. Choosing the best franchise coach for you is an important step. Franchise Beacon is truly one-of-a-kind in our space. We have been multi-unit franchisees. We have been multi-national franchisors. We are a small team of individuals with deep experience in franchising. Our backgrounds make us perhaps the most qualified team in the country to guide you on:

  • What is an acceptable ROI in franchising (and how do you even measure it)?
  • What are the early warning signs of a franchisor that is struggling?
  • What are the early signals of a franchisor or franchise space that is poised for growth?

We will ask you the hard questions. What is really the driving you towards business ownership? Are you really ready? Are your goals realistic? Are you capitalized enough for this venture? Are you the right fit for franchising, or for a particular franchise? We don’t shy away from asking the tough questions, but we also know how to help you find the tough answers.

Is Now Your Time?

Are you ready to find out? If you are ready to begin your franchisee journey, or if you just want to understand what the steps are to becoming a franchisee, let’s talk. Use the links on the right side of the page to schedule a call, send us an email, or just give us a ring. We look forward to talking to you soon!